Eretz Yisrael in the Torah is intended to increase every Jew’s appreciation of the gift of Eretz Yisrael to the Jewish people. Every parsha in the Torah contains reference to Israel and our responsibilities toward this Holy Land. Eretz Yisrael in the Torah will highlight one possuk every week and will share a corresponding thought for you to consider and to share with others. We hope it will give chizzuk to those who live in Eretz Yisrael and will inspire those who have not yet come home.


  PUT YOUR FAITH IN THE GOD OF THE LAND This week’s parashah contains the episode of Mei Merivah (The Waters of Strife), in which Moshe and Aharon are told that they will not enter the Land of Israel.  Many interpretations have been given to explain what exactly they did to deserve this punishment.  The…


  EYES ONLY FOR YOU They [Datan and Aviram] said, “We shall not go up!  Is it a small thing that you have brought us up from a land flowing with milk and honey to kill us in the desert, that you make yourself a prince over us?  Furthermore, you did not bring us to…


SLANDERING THE LAND We all know that the saddest day of the Jewish calendar is Tish’a B’Av, but how many of us know how it all started?  And even if we know the historical facts, how many of us have truly internalized the lessons? It all started in this week’s parashah.  Chazal have a tradition…


NO PAIN NO GAIN עת צרה היא ליעקב וממנה יושע (ירמיה ל,ז) It is a time of trouble for Ya’akov, but he will be saved from it.   I don’t think it would be an exaggeration to say that the Jewish nation is currently experiencing its most difficult period in over 25 years.  The past…


NOT BY MIGHT NOR BY POWER The first two mitzvot in this week’s parashah have to do with the prohibition of entering the Beit HaMikdash when one is ritually impure.  The Torah states:  – Command the Children of Israel that they shall send away from the camp everyone with tzara’at, every zav, and everyone contaminated…


PREPARING TO CONQUER THE LAND The Book of BeMidbar – also known as Sefer HaPekudim (Numbers) – opens with the census taken by Moshe and Aharon of all the Tribes of Israel.  The Torah dedicates over fifty verses to what seems to be trivial statistical data.  Why is it important for future generations to know…


THE CLEAREST SIGN In the middle of the Tochachah (Admonition) in Parashat BeChukotai, the Torah states, – I will make the Land desolate; and your enemies who dwell in it will be desolate upon it (26:32).  Seemingly, this is a continuation of the long list of misfortunes that will befall the Jewish people if they…

Parashat Emor

THE OMER AND ERETZ YISRAEL Many of Emor’s 63 mitzvot apply only in Eretz Yisrael.  Let us focus on three of these mitzvot which are very relevant to this time of year.  Of course, I am referring to the mitzvot connected to the Omer.  The Torah states: (1)…When you enter the Land that I give…

Acharei Mot-Kedoshim

THE SECRET OF THE LAND On numerous occasions, we have cited the words of Rabbeinu Moshe ben Nachman, better known as the Ramban.  In fact, his outlook on the Land of Israel is largely the basis for our positive attitude towards the Holy Land.  Of all of his comments on the Chumash, however, this week’s…


DIVINE AFFLICTION The main topic of both of these parshiot is the disease of tzara’at.  Most people mistakenly translate this word as leprosy.  Why do I say “mistakenly”?  Well, for one thing, if it is a regular, pathological condition, why do Chazal say that it is caused by spiritual maladies such as slander, haughtiness, and…