
NOT BY MIGHT NOR BY POWER The first two mitzvot in this week’s parashah have to do with the prohibition of entering the Beit HaMikdash when one is ritually impure.  The Torah states:  – Command the Children of Israel that they shall send away from the camp everyone with tzara’at, every zav, and everyone contaminated…


PREPARING TO CONQUER THE LAND The Book of BeMidbar – also known as Sefer HaPekudim (Numbers) – opens with the census taken by Moshe and Aharon of all the Tribes of Israel.  The Torah dedicates over fifty verses to what seems to be trivial statistical data.  Why is it important for future generations to know…


THE CLEAREST SIGN In the middle of the Tochachah (Admonition) in Parashat BeChukotai, the Torah states, – I will make the Land desolate; and your enemies who dwell in it will be desolate upon it (26:32).  Seemingly, this is a continuation of the long list of misfortunes that will befall the Jewish people if they…