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Subtotal: ₪25
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Our preferred payment method. Please transfer the payment within 24 hours after booking to secure your spot.
Pay via PayPal; you can also pay with your credit card if you don’t have a PayPal account. After payment, click “Return to Merchant” to view your booking confirmation.
Disclaimer: Robert Cohen, Yosef (Jeffrey) Jason and Binyomin Freilich assume absolutely no liability for any adverse event which should occur during any Greybeard Experience activity, for any minor or major act or omission which could or does occur, chas v’shalom, including without limitation the death, injury, accident, loss of property, or any other adverse event of any person or persons. Your attendance in any Greybeards Experience event confirms that you understand and agree to this disclaimer and that you shall not hold Robert or Yosef (or any person related to them) liable for any damages whatsoever.
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